Jazz Age

The Charleston

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The Charleston
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The greatest jazz dance of the 1920's.


A social dance of the United States that was popular in the mid-1920s. The dance is characterized by outward heel kicks combined with an up-and-down movement achieved by bending and straightening the knees in time to the rhythm of ragtime jazz. The steps are thought to have originated with the blacks living on a small island near Charleston, S.C. Performed in Charleston as early as 1903, the dance made its way into Harlem stage shows by 1913. The male chorus line danced and sang James P. Johnson's “Charleston” in the musical Runnin' Wild on Broadway in 1923. Both dance and song, expressive of the reckless daring, abandon, and restlessness of the jazz-age flappers, soon became the rage throughout the United States.
